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[세미나] 2023.04.07 문일철 교수 (KAIST 산업 및 시스템공학과)


일시 : 2023년 3월 24일 (금), 10:30 - 11:30

장소 : 공학 4동 302호

의명 : Hate Pollution but Love to Shop? 

           On the Effects of Air Pollution and Promotions on Online and Offline Retail Sales

연사 : 정재훈 부장 (CJ 미래경영연구원)


Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) are powerful tools for representing and reasoning about complex systems that involve uncertainty. PGMs provide a graphical representation of a probability distribution, which can be used to model the relationships between variables in a system. This seminar provides an overview of the theory and applications of PGMs. We begin by introducing the basic concepts of PGMs. We then discuss the main algorithms for learning and inference in PGMs, such as variational inference. Finally, we review some of the many applications of PGMs, including image recognition, natural language processing, and bioinformatics. We also highlight some of the current challenges and open research questions in the field. Overall, this seminar aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to PGMs for researchers and practitioners in various fields 

who are interested in using probabilistic models to reason about complex systems.